Friendly Markdown
Imagine you have a site that allows users to enter comments, and
you've decided to use Markdown for the comment input. Your target
group mostly knows how to use Markdown, and finds it convenient. But
you may also have some non-technical users, for whom learning arcane
syntactic rules does not come naturally.
Without changing anything in your backend, you can drop in
ProseMirror as an alternative input editor. People can even switch
between both views as they are editing!
package defines a ProseMirror schema that can
express exactly the things that can be expressed in Markdown. It also
comes with a parser and serializer that convert documents in this
schema to and from Markdown text.
To abstract the actual editor, we first create a simple interface
around a textarea:
class MarkdownView {
constructor(target, content) {
this.textarea = target.appendChild(document.createElement("textarea"))
this.textarea.value = content
get content() { return this.textarea.value }
focus() { this.textarea.focus() }
destroy() { this.textarea.remove() }
And then implement the same interface for a Markdown-enabled
ProseMirror instance. The in- and output of this interface is still
Markdown text, which it internally converts to a ProseMirror document.
import {EditorView} from "prosemirror-view"
import {EditorState} from "prosemirror-state"
import {schema, defaultMarkdownParser,
defaultMarkdownSerializer} from "prosemirror-markdown"
import {exampleSetup} from "prosemirror-example-setup"
class ProseMirrorView {
constructor(target, content) {
this.view = new EditorView(target, {
state: EditorState.create({
doc: defaultMarkdownParser.parse(content),
plugins: exampleSetup({schema})
get content() {
return defaultMarkdownSerializer.serialize(this.view.state.doc)
focus() { this.view.focus() }
destroy() { this.view.destroy() }
Finally, we can wire up some radio buttons to allow users to switch
between these two representations.
let place = document.querySelector("#editor")
let view = new MarkdownView(place, document.querySelector("#content").value)
document.querySelectorAll("input[type=radio]").forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener("change", () => {
if (!button.checked) return
let View = button.value == "markdown" ? MarkdownView : ProseMirrorView
if (view instanceof View) return
let content = view.content
view = new View(place, content)